
Innovations in Electrophysiology

Israel Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2020

Conference Days: 
Jan 05, 2020 to Jan 07, 2020
Eilat, Israel
Equipment is shown by: 
NBT New Biotechnology Ltd.

The ISFN holds its annual meetings each year in December or January. It offers a stage for presentations of cutting edge research in the form of oral lectures, posters, blitz poster discussion session for students and WEB based abstracts. Attendees include neuroscientists and graduate students from all research institutes and universities in Israel, as well as foreign delegates, all of whom are involved in multidisciplinary basic and clinical research of the nervous system. The annual meetings offer an excellent venue for information exchange and a fertile ground for the establishment and fostering multidisciplinary collaborative studies.

The NBT team is looking forward to meeting you.