
Moore4Medical aims at accelerating innovation in microfabricated medical devices. MCS is involved in two work packages, developing Bioelectronic medicines and new Organ-on-chip technology.
Active implantable devices have been used for years to treat chronic conditions with minimal side effects. To make these “bioelectronic medicines” a practical reality, the next generation of smart implantable devices will need to be highly miniaturized and autonomous and cost effective. One of the major design challenges is the selection of a powering method that could supply mW power levels to miniaturized implanted devices. To achieve this, Moore4Medical will develop a technology platform to efficiently transfer energy to implants deep inside the body by means of focused ultrasound. With the help of MCS, two technology platforms will be pioneered for neural interfaces that can efficiently and selectively trigger nerves with a limited power budget while avoiding unwanted activation of other nerves or muscle recruitment.
A critical problem in the development of effective disease treatments is the lack of adequate model systems to identify drug targets, screen toxicity, and predict clinical drug efficacy and the effects of active substances in humans. Traditional animal models or conventional cell cultures do not accurately mimic human physiology, and thus tend to fail to recapitulate diseases and to predict human responses to medical treatments. “Organ-on-chip” (OoC) is a game-changing technology that will be key in the development of better and more personalized medicines and to reduce animal testing. To bridge the gap between academic proofs of concept and biological/pharmaceutical practice, in Moore4Medical “smart multiwell plate” platforms will be developed with the help of MCS to seamlessly integrate multiple organ-on-chip technologies from different manufacturers into existing workflows. The new platform will combine the conventional multiwell plate structure with microfluidics, ultra-high density electrophysiology, temperature control, wireless connectivity and wireless power control while allowing microscopy from below. The whole device is hermetically sealed so that it can be safely used in incubators. The smart well plate will define a universal standard that delivers the breakthroughs needed to bring OoC technology to industrial level application.