
Innovations in Electrophysiology


Publications sorted by preparation.

An Z, Wu J, Li SH, Chen S, Lu FL, Xu ZY, Sung HW, Li RK (2021) Injectable conductive hydrogel can reduce pacing threshold and enhance efficacy of cardiac pacemaker. Theranostics 11:3948-3960.

Liu JYH, Du P, Lu Z, Kung JSC, Huang IB, Hui JCM, Ng HSH, Ngan MP, Cui D, Jiang B, Chan SW, Rudd JA (2021) Involvement of TRPV1 and TRPA1 in the modulation of pacemaker potentials in the mouse ileum. Cell Calcium 97:102417.

Bijland S, Thomson G, Euston M, Michail K, Thümmler K, Mücklisch S, Crawford C, Barnett S, McLaughlin M, Anderson T, Linington C, Brown E, Kalkman E, Edgar J (2019) An in vitro model for studying CNS white matter: functional properties and experimental approaches [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research 8.

Banerjee PS, Goshal S, Giardet C, DeMars KM, Yang C, Niehoff ML, Nguyen AD, Jayanth P, Mersman BA, Xu F, Banks WA, Hansen KM, Zhang J, Candelario-Jalil E, Farr SA, Butler AA (2021) Adropin expression correlates with age-related neuropathologies in the human brain and improves neuroin ammation and cognitive function in aging mice. Research Square.

Brofiga M, Pisano M, Callegari F, Massobrio P (2021) Exploring the contribution of thalamic and hippocampal input on cortical dynamics in a brain-on-a-chip model. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics:1-1.

Brofiga M, Pisano M, Callegari F, Massobrio P (2021) Exploring the contribution of thalamic and hippocampal input on cortical dynamics in a brain-on-a-chip model. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics:1-1.

Burley R, Harvey JRM (2021) Multielectrode Arrays. In: Patch Clamp Electrophysiology: Methods and Protocols (Dallas M, Bell D, eds), pp 109-132. New York, NY: Springer US.

Quasthoff K, Ferrea S, Fleischer W, Theiss S, Schnitzler A, Dihne M, Walter J (2014) Freshly frozen E18 rat cortical cells can generate functional neural networks after standard cryopreservation and thawing procedures. Cytotechnology.

Schock SC, Jolin-Dahel KS, Schock PC, Theiss S, Arbuthnott GW, Garcia-Munoz M, Staines WA (2012) Development of dissociated cryopreserved rat cortical neurons in vitro. J Neurosci Methods 205:324-333.

Hong L, Zhang M, Ly OT, Chen H, Sridhar A, Lambers E, Chalazan B, Youn SW, Maienschein-Cline M, Feferman L, Ong SG, Wu JC, Rehman J, Darbar D (2021) Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial cardiomyocytes carrying an SCN5A mutation identify nitric oxide signaling as a mediator of atrial fibrillation. Stem Cell Reports.

Niehoff J, Matzkies M, Nguemo F, Hescheler J, Reppel M (2021) The influence of melatonin on the heart rhythm - An in vitro simulation with murine embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes. Biomed Pharmacother 136:111245.

Burley R, Harvey JRM (2021) Multielectrode Arrays. In: Patch Clamp Electrophysiology: Methods and Protocols (Dallas M, Bell D, eds), pp 109-132. New York, NY: Springer US.

Cogo A, Mangin G, Maïer B, Callebert J, Mazighi M, Chabriat H, Launay JM, Huberfeld G, Kubis N (2021) Increased serum QUIN/KYNA is a reliable biomarker of post-stroke cognitive decline. Mol Neurodegener 16:7.

Darch HT, Collins MK, O'Riordan KJ, Cryan JF (2021) Microbial memories: Sex-dependent impact of the gut microbiome on hippocampal plasticity. Eur J Neurosci.

Barbero-Castillo A, Riefolo F, Matera C, Caldas-Martínez S, Mateos-Aparicio P, Weinert JF, Garrido-Charles A, Claro E, Sanchez-Vives MV, Gorostiza P (2021) Control of Brain State Transitions with a Photoswitchable Muscarinic Agonist. Adv Sci (Weinh):e2005027.

Manz KM, Siemann JK, McMahon DG, Grueter BA (2021) Patch-clamp and multi-electrode array electrophysiological analysis in acute mouse brain slices. STAR Protoc 2:100442.

Huang S, Uusisaari MY (2013) Physiological temperature during brain slicing enhances the quality of acute slice preparations. Front Cell Neurosci 7:48.

Mourot A, Kienzler MA, Banghart MR, Fehrentz T, Huber FME, Stein M, Kramer RH, Trauner D (2011) Tuning Photochromic Ion Channel Blockers. ACS Chemical Neuroscience.

Ma YL, Weston SE, Whalley BJ, Stephens GJ (2008) The phytocannabinoid Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabivarin modulates inhibitory neurotransmission in the cerebellum. Br J Pharmacol.


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